Thursday, 5 May 2011

Brian 'Fury' Tan

Brian is the Captain of the team... the 'Captain Furious' that is!!!

Look at the Captain in action:
Brian furiously walking up a boulder problem in Hueco, Texas
Brian furiously making his way up 'Sweet Pea', Grade 27 at Mountain Quarry

As his names suggest, everything about Brian is angry... He eats angry, walks angry, climbs angry, sleeps angry, he even plays 'Angry Birds'!

Brian is the type of guy that you never look directly in the eyes... the type of guy that when in an argument, you just hold up your hands and say 'No Mess'... the type of guy that makes Rambo run in the opposite direction like Chicken Little!

Some say Brian became so furious because he was born from an egg shaped rock that was ejected from a volcano.... (you'd be pretty pissed too if you were born in such a way!)
Some say Brian inherited his fury by being a direct descendent of the late Genghis Tan...

Some say Brian was infuriated after years spent learning his art from Jacky Tan...

Whatever the truth may be, all who have come across Brian (and lived) know that he is one raging climber. When Brian climbs, he doesn't climb the rock, the rock cowers under his fingers...

Here is some of Brian's handiwork when he was not in a good mood...

One day Brian's bikes were giving him trouble... this was the result.
Yeah, that's right Mr. Pointy Pointy Plant, be all smug with your sharp thorns... what you don't realise is that once Brian turns around, you're CACTUS!
Brian, showing Scotty how to harness the 'Fury'... The two guys in front were never seen or heard from again!
"Take some sneaky photo of me, huh? I'm not warming up my knuckles for no reason"... (This photo was retrieved from a camera found somewhere in the Pinjarra region. The owner was found in the next town with a size 9 shoe imprint on his ass)
These guys pissed Brian off... so he shishkebabbed them... and then made fireworks explode from their butts!!!
Brian's reaction to the movie 'Babe'... Needless to say, I guess he wanted that 89 minutes of his life back...
At the risk of unleashing the fury upon myself, I'll now attempt to give you Brian's greatest personal achievements to date. There might not be another blog post if I get this wrong!

Here goes:
  1. Successfully performing a Vulcan mind-meld with a rock (photo confirmation below)
  2. Completing the 100 climbs in 100 days challenge... in 1 day! (nobody is going to argue with Brian about this claim)
Brian performing the Vulcan mind-meld with a rock
And on that note, I think I'll finish the Captain's bio here, while I can get a decent head-start in case he comes after me!!

Before I sign off though, just a big thank you to the readers and commenters on the blog, who without, this whole exercise would just be myself writing to myself... which could be considered a little disturbing... so THANK YOU to the following for your comments!

Kristi - Can't forget the support crew. I'll see about blogging something about you guys later on. Go Team, Go Team, Go, Go, Go, Go Team!!
Bret- Hope you can make it mate. Keep thinking about it! You have the dates... what else are you going to do with the money??
Kelly- Don't worry Kelly, my bio will be in line with the others. I'm fully aware of all the stupid things I've done and I'm not afraid to tell people!! hahaha
Scotty- Say no to 'Crack' man... unless it's to do with climbing!
Logan- When you're sitting in the valley with your popcorn and binoculars, have a phone handy with the number of the emergency helicopter on 'QuickCall'... we're gonna need all the help we can get... hahaha
Maria- Hey I think you need to sign up as a member or follower of the blog to post comments on there.
Lisa- Have noticed some viewer traffic coming from Hong Kong. Maybe some Chinese people are really into fairies and unicorns?

One last thing. Just in case this post is ultra convincing and some of you are not that familiar with Brian... this is an end disclaimer to notify you that he ISN'T really an enraged mental case with a history of violent behaviour... in fact, I believe Brian to be possibly the nicest guy you could meet through Western Australian Climbing... (besides Scotty.) ;)

Now that's been said, I hope it's enough so Brian won't want to knock down my front door in the middle of the night and strangle me with my own entrails!

Take care until next time everybody. Next up will be Remi!


  1. Love it... this blog makes my week!
    Seriously guys... you should consider taking a video camera and making a SICK climbing movie with comentary via Kenny... you could make MILLIONS!

  2. Nice job Kenny! Brian in a nutshell. Although no nutshell could hold him for long...

  3. what is he doing in this nutshell?!

    lol...never met Brian yet - but I'm scared. Yes Kristi - guys please video lots of stuff when you go (except of course your communal toileting, to a certain extent what happens in Yosemite stays in Yosemite right?).

    Looking forward to learning more *facts* about Remi next!

  4. Good one Kenny! I'd be laughing if I wasn't so furious! :P
